Mission and Vision

California Indian Environmental Alliance’s (CIEA) mission is “to protect and restore California Indian peoples’ cultural traditions, ancestral territories, means of subsistence and environmental health.and vision”

In carrying out our mission and vision the following principles will guide all aspects of our work and all the actions of its leadership, staff and representatives:

CIEA’s constituencies are California Tribes and Tribal members of California Indian Tribal Nations, whether or not the Tribe is recognized by federal, state, or local governments. CIEA recognizes the right to have one’s People and heritage respected and does not descriminate based on federal recognition.

Within our constituencies our work focuses on future generations including those most at risk from toxins: pregnant women, their fetuses and young children. Our strategy integrates watershed and regional approaches and is respectful of the knowledge and lifeways of Indigenous People.

CIEA encourages policies and actions respectful of Tribal sovereignty and Tribal self-advocacy. The organization does not speak for California Indian Tribes, rather; we empower each to advocate on their own behalf.